4 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Mantras to Decrease Stress and Anxiety + Gain Confidence


As a therapist, I know firsthand how stress and anxiety can affect our mental health and overall well-being. One way to combat these feelings is by using a powerful mantra or affirmation. Here are 4 more reasons why incorporating mantras into your self-care can be so helpful.

1. Mantras and affirmations create a sense of control. When we're feeling stressed or anxious, it can feel like we don't have control over our thoughts and feelings. By repeating a mantra or affirmation, we're actively taking control of our thoughts and redirecting them in a positive direction. This sense of control can be empowering and help reduce feelings of anxiety.

2. They help reframe negative thoughts.

Many of us have negative thoughts that play on a loop in our minds. By replacing these negative thoughts with positive affirmations, we can reframe our thinking and build a more positive mindset. For example, instead of thinking "I can't do this," you could repeat the mantra "I am capable and confident."

3. They build self-esteem and confidence.

Repeating positive affirmations can help build self-esteem and confidence over time. By reminding ourselves of our strengths and capabilities, we're reinforcing positive beliefs about ourselves. This can lead to a more positive self-image and increased confidence in our abilities.

By using a mantra, we can be intentional about how we show up in times of stress and who we want to be in times of stress. And what we say about ourselves after a time of stress. A mantra can be as simple as the word 'love', something you are thankful for, or a phrase that allows you positive thoughts. When meditating on the affirmation, such as 'I accept myself, you create self-motivation and inspiration in order to be your best self. 

4. Mantras can increase self-awareness and mindfulness.

Using a mantra can also help increase your self-awareness and mindfulness by encouraging you to be present in the moment. When you repeat a mantra, you're focusing your attention on the present and cultivating a sense of mindfulness. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and more connected to the present moment.

So how do we create a meaningful personalized mantra?

There are no right or wrong affirmations, so choose a mantra that reflects your personal experience and gives you the power to express what you desire most. Whether you’re aiming your mantra at enhancing self-confidence, quieting your anxiety, or summoning your inner strength; make sure it’s the right one for you. Mantras can enhance self-confidence, quieting your anxiety, or summoning your inner strength.

Find out what’s the most pertinent aspect to focus on in the here and now. 

Be assertive in your statement.

Now imagine that you already have what you are looking for, allowing you to attract it to reality.

Maintain the understanding that a mantra is meant to be your voice of individualized expression. 

Take time to write in your journal and explore your inner wants and needs. Do not allow judgment to sway your writing or your voice. 

Check out a few examples of mantras below:

  • I am strong and confident.

  • I can do this.

  • I am compassionate.

  • Every day I am getting stronger.

  • I have the skills to handle this.

  • This is teaching me something I need to know.

Another helpful mantra can be something as simple as “STOP thinking about that, it's not helpful.” This works very well when our mind is ruminating or overanalyzing something over and over again. Mantras can also be quotes that resonate with your goals or a specific situation. “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” -Hellen Keller. These words have spoken to me for as long as I can remember, I often think about this quote when I am stressed about the future or a change in my life. I also love, "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." - John Kabat-Zinn.  It’s important to truly find a word, phrase, or quote that you deeply believe in and that resonates with you. 

Like any self-care practice, using a mantra requires consistency and dedication to see the benefits. Make a commitment to practice using your mantra every day, even if it's just for a few minutes at a time. Over time, you may find that your mantra becomes a valuable tool for promoting a more positive and peaceful mindset.

Starting to use a mantra every day can be a simple and effective way to incorporate this practice into your self-care routine. Here are a few steps to help you get started:

1. Set aside time to repeat your mantra.

To start using your mantra every day, set aside time each day to repeat it to yourself. This could be in the morning when you wake up, during a break at work, or before bed. Find a time that works for you and commit to repeating your mantra at that time each day.

2. Repeat your mantra several times.

When you're ready to repeat your mantra, find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be interrupted. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and begin repeating your mantra to yourself. You might repeat it silently in your mind or say it out loud. Repeat your mantra several times, focusing on the words and allowing their positive energy to flow through you.

3. Use your mantra as needed throughout the day.

In addition to setting aside time each day to repeat your mantra, you can also use it as needed throughout the day. If you're feeling stressed, anxious, or negative thoughts are creeping in, take a moment to repeat your mantra to yourself. This can help you refocus your thoughts and shift your mindset towards positivity and calmness.

4. Practice consistently.

Mantras are powerful tools used to calm the stress, worry, and anxiety built up from being overworked, stretched too thin, and just plain busy! Incorporating a mantra or affirmation into your daily routine can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety, and building confidence and self-esteem. Try repeating your chosen phrase to yourself several times a day, or write it down and keep it in a visible place as a reminder. With time and practice, you may find that your mantra or affirmation becomes a valuable part of your self-care routine.