The 6-week program for overwhelmed moms that want to overcome stress and anxiety, release the ‘mom guilt’, and build confidence.

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 I see how busy you are…

Working so hard throughout the day, doing a hundred things at once for everyone else.
You still feel like nothing is good enough.

You're so grateful for the life you have built…

but you can’t help feeling like you want more…

You are ready to feel happier, to feel more inspired, intentional and to feel joy every day.
Doing the things you love, living the life you imagined

focusing your energy on what matters most, being the mom you want to be, and making time for yourself (Yes, it's possible.)

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You are not alone…..

40% of mothers struggle with stress, overwhelm, and anxiety at some point.

What if it didn’t have to be this way for you?

What if there was a better way? 


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Here’s the truth, it does not have to be this way.

The Balanced and Well Program can show you step by-step how to get back to YOU.

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 Does this sound like you?…

  • You want to change being in constant worry mode. Thinking about the worst-case scenarios of your kids, husband, life? You wish you could just shut it all off and live peacefully (or at least one day of no stress please).

  • You want to feel lighter. You are tired of dismissing the physical symptoms that you might dismiss like constant headaches, stomach issues, insomnia, lack of energy, or shortness of breath. You feel tired and sometimes even drained and heavy.

  • You have a desire to declutter your mind from constantly racing with the to-do lists, the different schedules, the workload, the discussion with your spouse, and the social/school events… You just need a little time to be balanced and well.

  • You are tired of constantly second-guessing yourself and asking if you made the right decisions, if you are doing a good enough job, or truly hoping that you aren’t messing up your kids.


 Can you imagine…

  • Not having that guilt rise up every time you can’t be a supermom.

  • You can actually sleep at night without waking up with a running to-do list in your mind or your heart beating out of your chest.

  • You feel like you are good enough, your relationship is thriving, and you feel like you are intentional and present in the life you have worked so hard to create.

  • When a trigger comes up when you feel that anxiety rising or overwhelm in your body but you have all the tools to combat it.

  • You feel like your doing your best and feel proud to be the mom you have always imagined yourself being.

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 Here's the deal - if you said YES to any of the above……….
What if I told you there was a better way?

What if someone could take you by the hand (who has been through it all) and show you the exact steps to a happier life?

What if you could feel in control again and free yourself from the stress and anxiety that seems to be never-ending?

I'll promise you one thing - you CAN change.

And I can show you how.

 Hi, I’m Meredith

I totally get it! Anxiety took its toll on me too. I see you and get you because I have been there.

I’m obsessed with getting big results… without having my clients sit in the therapy office for months on end. I specialize in helping moms decrease anxiety and create life balance because I have done it for myself.

I have been a psychotherapist (LCSW) and life coach for more than 20 years, and a mom for 13 years. And I do get it, it took me years and years of being a therapist and life coach to realize that my goal to “have it all” had left me in a state of constant anxiety and stress that impacted me physically, mentally, and emotionally (stomach aches, headaches, a tight chest all the time, insomnia, TMJ and even vertigo). It all got in the way of me living my happiest life. I knew something had to change! I wanted to change how I felt and to do that, I had to prioritize myself, create space for self-care and start paying attention to my thoughts and feelings, habits and actions.

What I discovered from prioritizing my needs was that I had so much more to give my family, my work, and myself. Integrating easy practices that fed my soul, allowed me to be so much more present and intentional in my day-to-day life.

Since then, I have worked with hundreds of moms using the formula and framework that I teach in this exact program to overcome these common struggles. My life is not always balanced and I will always have stress, but I now know how to manage it daily and intentionally to create fulfillment and happiness.  I allow myself grace when I fall and the mom's guilt is gone! 

I’m deeply committed to personal growth. Let me help you with a commitment to yourself…

 Areas of Growth

The Balanced + Well Signature Program was created with YOU in mind! 
This proven framework is completely unique and one-of-a-kind.
This 6-week program is for stressed-out moms who want to release mom guilt and build more confidence in themselves.
When you choose to join the Balanced + Well program, we will work together to address six areas of growth and development.

(We use these suggested areas as a framework and then pick and choose what’s right for you! This program is fully customizable based on your individual needs.)

 Together, we will identify what's causing you stress and anxiety…..
then I will teach you the tools to manage it.

This is the exact structure, strategy, and timeline that has worked for 100s of moms like you.

There are a lot of therapists out there and there are a lot of life coaches out there. But what if you’re not sure which one you need? The nice thing about this hybrid program and approach is that it combines both. Why not get the expertise of a therapist and use some of the wonderful life coaching tools that are out there. Having both is an option when you choose the Balanced + Well Program.

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What You Can Expect Inside!

(We use these suggested areas as a framework and then pick and choose what’s right for you! This program is fully customizable based on your individual needs.)

Goal Setting

We begin with helping you to understand the stress and anxiety symptoms you may be experiencing so that you can uncover the things that are keeping you stuck.  From there we will set realistic goals that will help you to take action. This week we will customize the perfect plan so that you can get crystal clear and experience real growth and change from the inside out.  The goals you set will serve as a foundation for building confidence and being empowered to create lasting change and find more meaning in your life.

Bonus: We will spend time visioning what your life will look like and create solutions to get you there.


This is where we define your personal values and discover what it looks like to live life within these boundaries. We will identify your strengths and use them to create a rock-solid foundation for radiant confidence and unwavering self-esteem. You will learn what self-compassion is and feels like and how that makes all the difference in trusting yourself and feeling connected to others. Learn the importance of healthy self-talk and positive mantras so that you can truly start to believe in the power of you. You will get real with your true self and learn to love and own who you are at the core so that you can show up and be the mom you want to be.

Thought Awareness

This focus area will teach you to observe the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are holding you back from being the very best version of yourself. You will begin to understand the relationship and power of thinking in more positive ways. The insight you gain will help you in ways you have not even imagined. We will dig in, together, and discover what limiting beliefs are not serving you anymore so that you can be your best self and show that person to the people you care most about. You will learn to let go of self-doubt and perfection in hopes that it will bring happiness and then make room for what matters most to you.

Healthy Habits

This week you will learn to finally prioritize your emotional, psychical, and spiritual health and well-being in order to decrease stress and gain confidence and feel connected to yourself as not only a mother but a person. We will uncover anything getting in your way (nutrition, sleep, exercise, journaling, asking for help). You will understand why self-care is the gateway to self-love and the key to your ultimate success. You will learn how believing in yourself is a habit you can make every day. You will finally feel like it’s not just ok, but essential to prioritize time for you without the ‘mom guilt'.’


Uncover the power of mindfulness so that you can: accept what you can and can not control and be your best self even in moments of anxiety and stress. You will learn that stepping away is always an option in order to be a better mom. By learning simple, science-backed, mindfulness practices you can calm self-doubt and increase confidence within minutes. You will feel more connected to yourself and who you want to be. This type of mindfulness will create happiness, fulfillment, and a real sense of self-worth that is reflected in your life, relationships, conversations, and your outlook on life.

Tools For The Future

You will walk away with rock-solid tools, foundations, and understanding about what makes you calm, connected and clear. You will stand confidently in your life and new business and be proud of your accomplishments so that you can be unstoppable. You will feel connected to yourself in ways that will project you forward, with momentum, into your best life. You will have learned the skills needed to overcome stress and anxiety, 'release the mom guilt', and build confidence so that you can focus your energy on what matters most, be the mom you want to be and make time for yourself.

Pick Your Plan

I offer both an individual and group option for the Balanced + Well Program for Busy Moms. Pick the plan which meets your needs.


Individual Coaching Sessions

✨6 private 1-on-1 sessions (50 minutes) with me guiding you every step of the way.

✨ 6 simplified corresponding workbooks to help make the changes stick (that you can revisit for years to come). 

✨8 Email’s delivered to your inbox weekly to keep you on track.

✨ 3 presentations to help you with managing stress and healthy habits.

✨ Resources, handouts, and supplemental materials with actionable takeaways that you can put into place immediately in between sessions. (Don’t worry, I can even help you fill these out!) 

✨ Membership in a Private Facebook Group of other like-minded moms so you can feel seen and heard, with weekly live Q&A sessions. 

Group Coaching Sessions

The Group Program consists of everything included in the individual program, but instead of 6 private 1:1 sessions, you will receive:

✨1, 50 minute deep dive, 1-on-1 session, so we can get you started on the right track right away.

✨ 6 weekly group sessions (50 min each), where I’ll guide you every step.

✨Small group format with no more than 8 other moms in your group.

✨ Added accountability and support from like-minded moms cheering you on.

✨Bonus discounted individual coaching sessions are optional during the program

New groups are starting each month. Join the waitlist NOW.

My clients come to me with a desire to change. They've emptied their metaphorical cups and have the desire to rebalance and de-stress.

THIS is the #1 thing I hear again and again from the mom’s who come to me:

👉 “I just want to love my life. I am so tired of feeling this way!” 👈 

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SPACE IS LIMITED. Grab your spot now before spots fill up!

I can't wait to begin working with you!

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 Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have been a therapist for 20+ years. In this time I have found using an integrative approach works. Although I do love using coaching strategies, I feel integrating psychology-based theory helps us get to the root of the issue faster for lasting results.

  • High-functioning anxiety is not a mental health diagnosis, but a term to describe individuals who are high-achieving and successful on the outside, but inside they are struggling with anxiety, overthinking, overwhelm, and self-doubt.

  • The following models are tried-and true.  They are evidence based, which means they are proven to work. Some of these theoretical orientations will include: acceptance commitment therapy, positive psychology, sleep therapy, solution-focused therapy, behavioral activation, dialectical behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapy. In addition health psychology, mindfulness based stress reduction, the mind-body connection and holistic psychotherapy will be utilized.Description text goes here

  • I understand you are busy.  But when you are feeling stressed out, and overwhelmed you are not being as productive as you could be. Often times, we can’t get out of our own way and end up being less productive. So, if you traded out feeling stressed and overwhelmed for balanced and well, you would be more productive.  Learning these skills will create time and put meaning back into a more productive busy.

  • Yes, you are. If you were not, you would not be on this page looking at this content and exploring this opportunity. There are times in our lives when we need to prioritize our needs and dig in. In this way, we can be our best version of ourselves. When we prioritize ourselves, we also do a better job with our other life roles: as mothers, friends and working professionals. This is your time to take care of you!

  • This program was designed to help you make productive change. It is based on theory, life experience and working with hundreds of clients over the last 20+ years. It gives you the tools needed to make lasting change.

  • The group program is really great if you want to get support from other moms going through a similar experience as you. The individual program is an excellent choice if you want to be on your own schedule and move at your own pace. Both are amazing options and I have even had some moms do a combination. If your having trouble deciding, shoot me an email and we can discuss which option is best for you.


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 Still not sure if this applies to you? Check out this list.

👉🏼 Does this sound like you?

  • People pleasing inability to say NO

  • Overthinking everything

  • Needing to be in control all the time

  • Worrying about past and future events

  • Negatively comparing yourself to others

  • Procrastinating OR being overly motivated

  • Experiencing sleep issues like insomnia

  • Perfectionism

  • Having a hard time unwinding or relaxing

  • Getting bogged down with too many unimportant details

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 Are you ready?

Let’s free you up for what matters most.
Family, Your Kids, Your Well-being and Health!!

Not sure which program is best for you? ? Let’s hop on a quick 15-minute call to see which program is a perfect fit for you.


Join the 7-Day Self-Care Challenge!

Are you ready to take that first step towards a more balanced life? By choosing to prioritize yourself, you're making an incredible decision, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.  Join the 7-Day Self-Care Challenge TODAY!

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