Quick Wins for Your Wellness: 10-Minute Exercises to Boost Your Health


When you feel stressed or anxious, you want to get rid of the tension that is physically collecting in your body. This is where exercise acts as a powerfully natural detox. You are able to sweat out those stress hormones that are giving you grief as you positively increase your endorphins. This actually makes you feel better! It helps to check in with yourself before, during, and after your exercise so that you can notice and learn to recognize the differences. Personally, I always feel emotionally, mentally. and physically better after exercise. I also feel stronger which gives me a boost of confidence which helps me feel less stress, worry and anxiety. 


10-20 Minutes: A Great Start to Your Wellness Journey

Embarking on a new exercise routine can be daunting, but the key is to start small. In The Balanced and Well Program, we understand that the goal for any exercise program, especially concerning mental health, is to work on feeling better every day. By breaking it down into manageable chunks, you're more likely to turn daily efforts into weekly habits and beyond.

Why 10-20 Minutes?

Small, consistent efforts pave the way for lifelong habits. Devoting just 10 minutes a day to exercise for 21 days is an excellent way to initiate a positive change. It's a commitment that doesn't overwhelm, making it easier to transform into a lasting routine. Consider incorporating these recommended exercises tailored for 10-minute sessions, perfect for the winter season:

  1. Walking or Hiking

  2. Running (Treadmill or Outside)

  3. Dancing

  4. Ice Skating, Skiing, or Riding

  5. Yoga or Pilates

  6. Workout Classes (In-Person or Online)

Finding Your Flow

Consistency and accountability are vital for any new program. While routine can provide stability, don't be afraid to mix things up. Consider working out indoors on some days and embracing outdoor activities like hiking or walking on others. This variety not only keeps things exciting but also offers a broader range of health benefits.

Quick Tips for Your Wellness Journey:

  1. Start with at least 10 minutes a day, gradually increasing over time.

  2. Explore outdoor exercises for added health and happiness benefits.

  3. Define exercise broadly—whether it's a brisk walk or a dance session in your PJs.

  4. Remember, exercise reduces stress hormones and boosts endorphins.

  5. Don't aim for perfection; doing something is always better than nothing.

Get in the flow and pick one of these exercises to start today! Consistency and accountability are important with any new program. For example, working out in the mornings or taking the same class every week. But, mixing it up can be great too as it offers variability and can be fun. Work out inside on certain days, then add in outdoor activities, such as hiking or walking to keep it exciting. You might set longer workouts aside for the weekend when you have enough time to truly disengage without rushing.

Join the Balanced + Well Program

Now do some brainstorming to see what kind of exercises work best for you. When you sign up for the Balanced + Well Program, you’ll set a weekly exercise goal that helps you kick-start the process for improved overall health and well-being. Let me know how I can continue to support you, accountability and support really help when implementing something new! Set up a call, right here!