Making a Plan to Exercise

Making a Plan to Exercise

In the ebb and flow of life, finding time for ourselves and our wellness goals is crucial. Amidst the hustle, planning becomes our ally, especially when it comes to regular exercise. Without a clear plan, daily distractions can sidetrack our fitness aspirations. Following the principles of the Balanced + Well philosophy, consistent exercise stands as a potent stress-reduction tool. In this guide, I'll share a straightforward strategy to seamlessly integrate exercise into your weekly routine.

Check out this blog, Exercise for Stress and Anxiety, for more insights too.


Plan Ahead with Precision: Crafting a plan for exercise requires more than a passing thought; it demands intentional commitment. Each week, take a moment to plan your exercise sessions. Allocate specific time slots for each session, treating them as non-negotiable appointments with yourself. Whether you choose to jot it down on paper or leverage digital tools like Google Calendar, the act of planning solidifies your commitment to well-being.

  1. Calendar Commitment: Give your exercise routine the importance it deserves by slotting it into your calendar. Whether through the convenience of Google Calendar or the tactile engagement of a paper planner, embrace a calendar-centric approach. Scheduling your exercise "appointments" elevates them to the status of other vital commitments in your life.

  2. Pre-Pay and Register: Bolster your commitment by pre-paying for classes and registering in advance. This financial and logistical investment acts as a powerful motivator. Knowing you've invested in these sessions creates accountability, reducing the likelihood of skipping a planned workout. Additionally, pre-registration ensures you secure your spot, further encouraging follow-through.

Socialize Your Exercise Routine: Infuse a social element into your exercise routine by making plans with friends for specific workout days. This not only adds a delightful social dimension but also serves as a deterrent to backing out. When friends are expecting you, the commitment becomes twofold—you're not just prioritizing your health, but also honoring your social commitments.

Benefits of Planning:

  1. Eliminating Decision Fatigue: With a pre-planned exercise routine, there's no room for decision fatigue. You already know what you're going to do and when you're going to do it. This eliminates the mental back-and-forth on the day of execution, making it easier to follow through.

  2. Consistency Breeds Results: The cornerstone of any successful training program is consistency. By planning your exercises in advance, you establish a disciplined approach to your routine. This consistency is the secret sauce that leads to tangible results over time.

  3. Disciplined Training for Well-Being: As emphasized in Blog Post #4 on Exercise for Stress and Anxiety, a disciplined approach to exercise significantly contributes to reducing tension and stress. Consistent, planned workouts become a daily commitment to improving well-being, creating a positive cycle that extends from day to day and week to week.

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