How to ‘WOOP’ Your Life


Welcome to the Balanced + Well’s community Blog and Newsletter! Thanks for taking the time to read it. As you know my goal is to give you quick tools and techniques that are applicable to your everyday life. This month’s tool is to help you create attainable goals.

So, we are 6 months into 2021. Hard to believe that were halfway through the year. This is a great time of the year to check back in on your goals and plans for 2021. So much has changed this year so any resolutions or goals we set may not even be applicable or relatable now. But, there also may be things that have not changed that you still want to work on and prioritize. Some questions to ask about your goals might be.

  • What am I excited to return to?

  • What do I not want to return to?

  • What's important to me?

  • What are my non-negotiables?

  • What do I need to work on to feel better every day?

Although it may sound funny at first, WOOP is an acronym for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan. Clever, right? Developed by Dr. Gabriele Oettingen—a professor and researcher who spent 20 years studying the science behind goal setting and positive thinking—this mental practice is an optimal way to help motivate us to attain our various life goals. These goals can be as small as practicing 5 minutes of mindfulness each day to completing a big work project. With the right mindset and course of action, people of all ages can more healthily and realistically achieve their goals. 


Below are some positive impacts WOOP has had on individuals based on multiple research studies. 

  • Reduced stress and increased work productivity 

  • Improved time management and problem-solving skills 

  • Motivated weight loss in adults 

  • Decreased alcohol consumption 

  • Improved academic performance in students 

  • Developed healthier relationships 

How does it work? 

The WOOP method goes beyond just ‘thinking positively’ or looking at the ‘bright side when it comes to goal setting. We are all familiar with these vague, overused mantras that are difficult to apply in everyday life. However, WOOP helps us visualize the obstacles that may stand in the way of our goals, thus teaching us realistic goal-setting

Here is a worksheet that you can use to help guide you as you set your goals - it only takes 5 to 10 minutes! 

Wish. What is your goal? For the best results, try to make a SMART goal that is specific, manageable, attainable, relevant, and time-sensitive. For example, maybe you want to read one book by the end of each month. 

Outcome. Visualize your goal! What does achieving this goal look like? How do we know and how does it feel? What is the best possible outcome? When we can internally measure our progress towards these goals, we are more motivated to keep going. 

Obstacle. What is most likely to get in the way of your goal? What are some unproductive habits to keep in check? What can we control? Learn to think rationally and clearly. When we fully understand which obstacles we can and can’t control, we can more effectively map out a goal-fulfilling strategy. 

Plan. What are some small, everyday steps you can take towards this goal? If you want to read one book per month, maybe read for 30 minutes to an hour each day or set weekly page goals based on the length of each book. Try to make these habits and activities doable to alleviate the potential stress and anxiety of the overall goal. 

So are you ready to WOOP your life? Start visualizing and planning your goals in a way that creates space for self-care and love. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are your goals. Don’t be so hard on yourself and take it day by day—the small achievements matter too. 

Need more tips and resources like WOOP? Click the link below to book a free discovery call. I’d love to assist you on your balanced + well journey! And if you have not signed up for the newsletter yet, please do!