July Journal Prompts for the Summer Season

July has just begun, but summer is already in full swing for us. Our lives are beginning to go settle into routines and “the new normal.”

I hope that your summer is allowing you a little more free time and some lazy afternoons.  Summer is my very favorite season.

Everything feels lighter for me in the summer. I feel at ease and I have a lot of fun. In light of being in full summer mode now, let’s take some time for reflection on having fun and enjoying the beautiful, long summer days. 

As always, we use this journaling time as a time for reflection, personal growth, and self-care. Pick 1 or all 10 questions and tune into yourself even just for a moment. 

  1.  How are you feeling right now?

  2.  What lights you up?

  3.  What are you grateful for this season? 

  4. What are your favorite things about summer? 

  5.  What is on your summer bucket list?

  6.  What are you excited about this month? 

  7.  What has become more important to you this past month?

  8.  What has become less important to you this past month?

  9.  Describe a time in the last month that you felt really proud of yourself?

  10. How is your self-care routine going this summer? 

Download the July Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for personal growth.

If you’re interested in gaining more tools and insight to improve your satisfaction with life, if your stress and anxiety seem to be at an all-time high right now, then check out my Balanced + Well program. Change is hard to implement on your own but becomes exponentially more achievable with The Balanced + Well Signature Program. It's everything you need to take charge of your life so you can ditch your anxiety, and live and life that is balanced + well.

I look forward to helping you continue your balanced + well journey.