January Journal Prompts: A Fresh Start

I love January for many reasons. The busyness of the holidays is over, and the feeling of a fresh start feels like there is so much potential for change and renewal with the beginning of a new year.

It’s the perfect time to start new rituals that can become healthy habits. I don’t advocate for creating big, huge goals that inherently create pressure, and often come with the perception of failure if you’re unable to meet them.

But, I do love creating small, meaningful changes that can become bigger changes over time.

Journaling is one of those little rituals that is easy to implement, and has so many benefits.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Greater self awareness

  • Identifying your negative thoughts

  • Clearing your mind clutter

  • Cultivating gratitude

  • Clarity for setting new goals

  • Understanding your motivations

And so much more!

I love buying a new journal and a pen I love at the start of the year. It feels like such a treat, and is a pleasure to begin writing in.

Despite being excited about starting a new ritual in a new journal, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to know where to start, which is why I have created my monthly Journal Prompts to help you!

You might not always feel like starting, but these prompts will get the ball rolling. I don’t know about you, but once I start, I usually get into the flow of it!

You can pick one prompt and let it guide you, or follow as many as you’d like. You can even use different prompts for different days, if you’d like.

10 Journal Prompts for January

  1. How do you feel about a new year beginning?

  2. What one new thing are you excited about exploring this year?

  3. How are you doing, really?

  4. If you could make 3 little changes in your life this year, what would they be?

  5. What are 3 ways you can grow your gratitude in 2022?

  6. What are you hoping to overcome in 2022?

  7. What are you ready to let go of from 2021?

  8. What’s one little thing you can work on each day to feel better physically?

  9. Who in your life would you like to show up a bit more for this year?

  10. What do you want to embrace more of in 2022?

Writing in small increments as often as you can will create meaningful change in your emotional and mental well-being. Try not to be self-critical of your writing, or if you get stuck, just try to keep going.

I’ve also created a Journaling Worksheet to help you if you’d like to go a bit deeper into journaling.

And, if you’re ready to take your wellness journey to the next level, you can connect with me by booking a free discovery call to learn more about the life coaching that I offer. I look forward to helping you continue your balanced + well journey. 

And don’t forget to check out my Balanced + Well Program to learn more about how we can work together to create positive, healthy habits in 2022!