5 Ways to Cultivate Healthy Habits

Healthy New Year's Goals

What goals have you set for 2023? Did you accomplish your goals in 2022? How do we re-focus and re-orient our New Year’s goals? 

First of all, let’s change the common narrative surrounding New Year’s resolutions in which we make promises that we ultimately give up on a few weeks later. Do not harp on your ‘failures’. I can’t tell you how many people over the last 20 years have come in defeated and upset that they have abandoned their new year’s goals only a few weeks in. I am so glad they are honest with me because then we can set more reasonable goals and expectations.

One of the main reasons for this fleeting motivation is that we set unrealistic, superficial goals that only cause us more stress. Even if you drop those 5 pounds, we all know that this weight loss goal will be rendered meaningless without maintaining a healthier lifestyle. We need to look at goals as being one big picture.

This is also true for maintaining balance and wellness in your life. Cultivating habits that promote both your physical and mental health is the foundation necessary to achieve all the other goals in your life.

Below are five healthy practices to pursue in the New Year, as well as a recap of some tools and practices that the Balanced+Well community encourages. If you wish to reference useful tips from previous blog posts, feel free to click on the links included throughout the list. 

  1. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t achieve your goals or be there for your loved ones without re-prioritizing yourself in the 2022 year. Practice self-care through activities such as journaling

  2. Find moments of peace every day. While it may be challenging, find a few minutes throughout your busy day to take a break and recharge. Practicing mindfulness exercises and meditation are great ways to do this! 

  3. Practice gratitude. Reflect on the things and people you are thankful for in your life in order to increase your overall happiness. 

  4. Eat healthier and exercise. You don’t have to put yourself on a strict diet, but gradually introducing healthier foods and small changes is a good start. For example, go for a 15-minute walk a few times a week and replace that soda with some water—you may observe the positive impact nutrition and exercise can have on your mental health. 

  5. Spend quality time with friends and family. You need social support and moments of joy in your life.

If you’re looking for a fresh start in 2023 I encourage you to book a free discovery call with me to explore how life coaching can help you cultivate healthier lifestyle habits.

And if you know you’re ready to take the next definitive step in your wellness journey, please check out my Balanced + Well Program, which will help you leap into the life you are meant to be living.

Thank you for trusting in the Balanced+Well community! We are here for you every step of the way.