August Journal Prompts for Being Grounded

I am cherishing these last days of summer before the kids go back to school. I have loved the warm, long, relaxed days. And it’s hard to believe that it will all be winding down soon. I so often vacillate between trying to soak up every moment and realizing fall will be here before we know it. In light of enjoying the last days of summer, this month’s journal prompts focus will be on being grounded in the present moment. 

  1. How are you doing, really? 

  2. What things do you need to do daily to ground yourself?

  3. Can you change anything to get more grounded and present?

  4. How can you soak up these last days of summer? 

  5.  Today, I am grateful for…..

  6.  What is your personal mantra for this month?

  7.  In what ways have you been forced to slow down over the past month?

  8.  The best part of summer so far has been? 

  9. Is there anything on your summer bucket list that you would still like to do?

  10.  Describe a time in the last month that you felt really proud of yourself?

Download the August Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for being grounded in the present moment.

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