Celebrate September and Journal Prompts

Summer is my all-time favorite season. But, this year , September feels like a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively. This summer was hot and smokey in Steamboat Springs and I am loving the cooler, blue sky days.

I am also celebrating that my kids are back in school (thank goodness)! Even if school looks a bit different than it has before, we’re in 5 days a week! We survived the first hectic week (talk about stress, overwhelm, and anxiety) and we are starting to get back into a structured and (somewhat) organized routine.

If you don’t know me well, you might not know, that routine and structure and my favorite things. I feel focused, goal-driven, and motivated when I am in a routine with structure.

And for all of you fellow stressed-out, slightly anxious women, studies show that most people do better with increased structure and routine. There are several factors, including promoting healthy habits, decreasing burnout, and helping with productivity but I know routine also helps me to know what to predict and expect.

In addition, we are now 8 months into 2021, so September is a great time to revisit goals and accomplishments for the year 2021.   It’s always hard for me to set goals or start new things in the summer, so here is to fall and starting a new season with routine and structure. Whoot Whoot!!!

It’s no surprise, that this month’s journal prompts are reflections on structure, routine, and goal setting. As always, if you want to talk through these journal prompts, please email me back. I love hearing from you all!

  1.  How are you feeling in this present moment?

  2. What does productivity look like to you?

  3. What can help to kickstart your goals this month? 

  4.  What is your current morning routine?

  5. What is your current evening routine?

  6. Does either routine need to shift to help ground you in the moment?

  7. What do you need today?

  8.  If you accomplish this each day, will you feel satisfied?

  9.  What are you grateful for this season? 

  10. What are your favorite things about fall? 

Download the September Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for reflections on structure, routine and goal setting. 

If you’re interested in gaining more tools and insight to improve your satisfaction with life, if your stress and anxiety seem to be at an all-time high right now, then check out my Balanced + Well program. Change is hard to implement on your own but becomes exponentially more achievable with The Balanced + Well Signature Program. It's everything you need to take charge of your life so you can ditch your anxiety, and live and life that is balanced + well.

Because my schedule (yay, to kids being back in school) is more open I have 3 spots open for the Balanced and Well Program this September!! Reach out with any questions!

I look forward to helping you decrease your stress and anxiety and support you in your balanced + well journey.