April Journal Prompts for Self Love

It’s Balanced + Well’s 3rd month of journal prompts. I hope you have been enjoying them and following along. I am so happy to have you in our community. You know by now, I feel that personal reflection and carving out time for yourself is crucial to your emotional health and well-being. Writing down everything, including your feelings and emotions, can help you process them better. By taking notice, we can start to identify patterns, habits, activities, and thoughts that may be holding us back or projecting us forward. In other words, journals help us to facilitate personal growth. In fact, most of my clients consider journaling a go-to coping skill and tool after trying it out. But, oftentimes when you start journaling you may not know what to write about, which is why I created these monthly prompts for you.

So, it’s my birthday month and I love birthdays! I love my own birthday, but I also love my friend’s and family member’s birthday’s as well. Birthdays are obviously time for celebration, but I also feel birthdays are great for really reflecting on your accomplishments for the past year. In many ways, birthdays are more meaningful to me than New Year or any other time of year.  For as long as I can recall I have taken the month of April to really reflect on who I am, what I am working on, and where I would like to go. If I go back to my old journals, I always have a very long entry right around my birthday.  So for this month, let’s focus on self-reflection and love.  

Here are some prompts to provide clarity and direction as you pursue your short and long-term goals in 2021.  And new this month, if you want to print out the journal prompts, you can download it here.

10 Journal Prompts for Self-love

  1. How are you doing, really?

  2. Describe a time in the last few months that you felt really proud of yourself.

  3. What do you love about yourself?

  4. What are your values?

  5. What is 1 thing you are really good at? Do you consider this a strength?

  6. Are you self-critical? How are you hard on yourself?

  7. Think about the relationships in your life – which are life-giving, uplifting, positive in your life?

  8. What are you grateful for today?

  9. How have you cared for yourself today/this week/this year?

  10. How has your self-care been this month? How do you show love to yourself on a daily basis?

My hope for you is that these journal prompts will allow you to connect on a deeper level with yourself and your personal growth. If journaling is something that interests you and are looking for some support or guidance, I am here for you. To connect with me or book a free discovery call, click the link below. I look forward to helping you continue your balanced + well journey.