May Journal Prompts for Personal Growth in Spring

This is the 4th month of the Journal Prompts and I have been getting so much feedback from all of you! Thank you for connecting, sending comments, and emailing back. As always, I love to hear from you. And if you have any ideas on themes and journal prompts I love hearing about those too.

We’ve all heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers,” right? Well, let’s follow nature’s lead.  Are you excited about spring? If you experienced a particularly cold winter, then I know you’re ready to see your favorite flowers bloom again, and maybe spend some more time outside. And to those who enjoy warm weather year-round, lucky you!  

I view the month of May as a time of revival and rebirth. 2 out of 3 of my boys were born in May too which might be why I think this too. The weather is starting to change, and it makes me feel hopeful for the future. It shows me that nothing lasts forever, so I have to keep working towards my goals. 

It is also an opportunity to check in with yourself, redefine and assess your goals, and maybe even set new ones. You want to try a new activity or take another crack at an old one? I say go for it! 

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that you shouldn’t wait to start actualizing your dreams. Don’t be afraid to make changes, fail, or try again. 

Here are some prompts to provide clarity and direction as you pursue your short and long-term goals in 2021. Use these questions as a guide. Pick 1-2 or journal on all 10. 

10 Journal Prompts for May

  1. How are you doing, really? 

  2. What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of from last month? 

  3. What are you excited about this month? 

  4. What is your personal mantra for this month?

  5. What rhythms in your life will you be shifting moving forward?

  6. What has become more important to me this past month and what has become less?

  7.  What from this season of life do you want to bring with you and what do you want to leave behind?

  8. No matter what the future looks like, what is the one thing you are most looking forward to this spring?

  9. How has your self-care been this month? How do you show love to yourself on a daily basis?

  10. What are you going to achieve next month?

As always, if you would like more support, guidance, and accountability, book a free discovery call. I look forward to helping you continue your balanced + well journey. 

Download the May Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for personal growth.

P.S. Stay tuned for an exciting annoucement about the new Balanced + Well Program launching soon, which is all about reducing stress and anxiety while introducing more balance and wellness into your life.