March Journal Prompts: Reflection and Self Growth

March Journal Prompts: Reflection and Self Growth

This is our third monthly newsletter on journal prompts for 2022!

My hope is that these questions can be used as guides for you to listen to your inner voice and take an assessment of how you really are doing.

Some of the questions will be the same each month to serve as a way of checking in with ourselves and some will be new based on the season or time of year.

Journaling helps to offer insight into our daily lives when we are amidst the daily hustle and bustle and don’t always have time to reflect at the moment. In addition, journaling can help with: 

  • Finding our abilities, shortcomings, and authentic selves.

  • Making us learn more about ourselves

  • Unlocking our inner complexities

  • Bringing more meaning to our routines

  • Making better decisions in our life

  • Making us aware of the things to be thankful for

  • Performance management

Use journaling as part of your self-care activities, and make it part of a healthy, daily routine.  Follow these tips to help you turn this simple act into a daily self-care routine.

  1. Choose the right time to journal: The best time for you to journal depends on you and your schedule.  Choose a time of day, when you can easily dedicate some time to journaling.  The beginning of the day or the very end of the day works well for most people.  Can you wake up 10 minutes earlier each day, or start your bedtime routine 10 minutes earlier each night in order to fit in your journaling? Any time of day is good, but choosing a dedicated time of day will help you turn journaling into a habit.

  2. Make it your own:  Mix it up and add other rituals to your journaling routine.  Light a candle, listen to relaxing music and drink a cup of herbal tea or a glass of wine as you write.  Use different forms of expression, such as different colored pens, photos, favorite quotes, or drawings.  Make this a fun and creative self-care routine.

  3. Use journaling as time for YOU: Your journaling time will become a reason to dedicate time in your day just for you.  Pick a setting that is relaxing and enjoyable for you; your favorite spot in the house, outside in nature, a library, or maybe even your favorite coffee shop.  When journaling becomes a habit, taking time for yourself will become a habit too, and you’ll begin to cherish that time that you’ve set aside for YOU.

Use these questions as a guide. Pick 1-2 or journal on all 10. 

10 Journal Prompts for March

  1. How are you doing, really? 

  2. What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of from last month? 

  3. What are you excited about this month? 

  4. What is your personal mantra for this month?

  5. What are your goals for this month?

  6. Are your current goals attainable? Why or why not? 

  7. Who or what inspires you lately?

  8. What has kept you grounded lately? 

  9. What is the last good habit you developed, and how did you do it? 

  10. In what ways can you make yourself a priority today/this week/this year? 

Download the March Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for reflection and self-growth.

To connect with me or book a free discovery call, click the link below to learn more about how life coaching can help you create meaningful change in your life. I look forward to helping you continue your balanced + well journey. 

Journaling is such a great way to further explore who you are. If you want more support, check out the Balanced + Well Program to learn more about how I can continue to help you!