Where are you on the Wheel of Life....Let's find out


Created by Paul J. Meyer, the founder of Success Motivation Institute, the Wheel of Life is a simple and impactful tool that anyone can use to help visualize different aspects of their life. Through a “birds-eye” view, we can more clearly understand our satisfaction in each area, as well as which ones can be improved.  

The eight categories can vary based on what you feel is the most important to you. Health, spirituality, career, and family are all examples of potential areas. 

Are you satisfied and happy with your life? When you map out your life visually, you can more accurately identify opportunities for self-improvement. For instance, if you are not thriving in your relationships with others, maybe it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate how to strengthen these connections. 

This activity can also help you to learn how to implement more balance in your life. We all get wrapped up in the demands of life, so you can use the wheel to take a step back and reflect. Are you leading a life of self-love and happiness? Perhaps you’re investing too much time and energy in your career and neglecting other parts of your life. Well, this is a great way to reorient and re-prioritize your goals, as well as find balance. I love doing this activity at least 3 times a year to allow for shifts to be made in my goals and priorities.

Guiding Questions

While reflecting on your wheel, ask yourself these important questions:

  • How do you feel about your life as you look at your wheel?

  • Which of these categories do you feel the best about? 

  • What are some areas of improvement? 

  • What kind of support will you need to become more satisfied in your life? 

The Wheel of Life is good preparation for goal setting and can serve as a monitoring device for life balance and changes over time. This exercise is meant to be simple, and I have provided a Balanced + Well worksheet that can help you create your Wheel of Life. 

Once you’ve completed this exercise, please don’t hesitate to learn more about the Balanced + Well program and its resources, or book a free discovery call with me. If you’re ready to trade in feeling overwhelmed and stressed for feeling balance and well-being, then the Balanced + Well program is for you! I’d love to help you lead the successful and fulfilling life you’ve always envisioned. And if you have not signed up for the newsletter yet, please do!