February Journal Prompts for Reflection and Creating Goals

Can you believe it’s already February? How did your first month of 2021 go? I hope that you are staying safe and healthy. New Year’s resolutions have come and gone, and now we know what is going to stick.

In February 2020, I wrote a blog post that introduced the concept of mood journaling. A lot has happened since I wrote that, huh?

Fittingly, I consider February to be a time for reflection—not just on the past year but on everything that has impacted my life thus far. There is no better time to return to our safe space of journaling than at the beginning of the year.

I believe that journaling is an excellent place for looking within and being honest with yourself. When we get our thoughts and feelings out of our bodies and onto paper (or devices), we gain more clarity in our intentions and lives. 

This year, I thought it would be helpful to introduce monthly newsletters and journal prompts to the Balanced + Well Community, so keep an eye out. 

Looking for journal writing prompts? There are days where we struggle to find things to write about. That’s where journaling prompts come into play. Here are writing prompts that will inspire you to learn more about yourself and find your purpose. While we reflect on our struggles and accomplishments over these past months, let’s begin journaling. Use these questions as a guide. Pick 1-2 or write on all 10.

10 Journal Prompts for February 

  1. How are you doing, really? 

  2. What were my biggest challenges in 2020?

  3. What did I learn about myself when facing these challenges?

  4. What were my silver linings for 2020?

  5. What am I grateful for?

  6. What qualities do I want to cultivate this year? 

  7. What feelings do I want to embrace this year?

  8. How can I improve my physical health?

  9. How can I improve my mental and emotional well-being?

  10. How can I commit to myself?

I’m wishing you a better and brighter life in 2021! To connect with me or book a free discovery call, click the link below. I look forward to helping you continue your balanced + well journey.