5 Tips for Working from Home with Kids in the House

Working from Home

The year 2020 has been one we’ll always remember, with COVID-19, 1000’s of Americans have found themselves out of work or working from home.  In the past year did you make the transition to working from home with kids in the house? 

If you are like me and new to working from home, it in itself can mean a lot of adjusting. The reality of having to juggle work commitments and a hectic family life simultaneously can be exhausting. The spread of the Coronavirus is forcing working parents into telecommuting situations across the country. If you’re struggling to stay productive while working from home, these tips from full-time, work-from-home moms may help.

First, remember that this is an adjustment for everyone; you, your spouse, your children, your boss, and your coworkers. So let’s remember to give ourselves a break and expect challenges along the way!

  1. Establish a Routine! Create a schedule for yourself, your partner, and your family.  Set up time tables for you to take turns focusing on work and family responsibilities. Be flexible with one another, as last minute meetings can pop up!

  2. Communicate with your partner and your kids. Open communication about the wins and losses from the day helps to keep your partnership strong and moving forward. Communicate when you are stressed and need help and allow your partner the space to do the same. 

  3. Have a Designated Workspace. Consider converting a closet or extra bedroom to your at home workspace. Set up hours for your at home office where you can have uninterrupted time for you to focus on work duties only. If you don’t have an extra closet, bedroom, or home office - you can turn a corner of the kitchen, living room, or your bedroom into a space that works for you. Try your hardest to institute respect for the new work space from yourself and your family members. Take the space seriously and commit uninterrupted work hours in it. 

  4. Work on a schedule. One of the biggest challenges we face, whether we work in an office or not, is separating work from personal life. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to set a time when you clock in and a time when you clock out. You can even add a sign to your designated space that alerts your kids and family members that you are clocked in so to speak. 

  5. Focus on Positivity. It’s easy to get swept up into the negativity, but when you focus on positive aspects of each day, you can accept that you are doing your best in this ‘new normal’.

Remember all you can do is your best! If today doesn’t go as planned - get through it, and start fresh tomorrow.