Still working from home this summer?

Working from Home

As we move into the summer months, where your kids may be less than thrilled of the prospect of being cooped up at home with no daily routine to keep them focused. You may already be feeling the stress of entertaining your family and getting your work done. Try a few of these tips to keep yourself sane this summer.

  1. Re-evaluate your idea of a summer vacation: Get creative and modify your “typical” family vacation. Create and enjoy a vacation that fits your family’s needs and budget, such as camping in the backyard or taking 2 mini-vacations instead of a larger trip. 

  2. Stop trying to multi-task multi-tasking! Stop trying to do it all! It’s overrated and often times doesn’t produce your best work in any area. Schedule your time and stay dedicated to one task at a time. 

  3. Get rid of distractions! Although smartphones and technology have often made life easier for working on the go, it can sometimes backfire and be a huge distraction from our daily work. With your tablet/computer/phone in hand, you may feel tempted to work in front of the TV, from the local coffee shop, the patio while the kids are playing in the backyard, or even while cooking dinner.  A change of scenery is great every once in awhile, but make sure you have a dedicated space in the house where you can retreat and do your work. It is important to separate your workspace from your family space to help create a balance.  

  4. Make it a family affair. Don’t have the support of an administrative assistant now that you’re working from home? Delegate! Get the family to help out and try to make it fun. Maybe there’s even a way to offer a few dollars here and there for the tasks they are helping with.

  5. Enlist help! Although you may have felt like foregoing child care because you’ll be home, it’s okay to ask for help. Find a loved one, friend, or a responsible college/high-school student who can help entertain the kids for a few hours with building lego towers in the backyard, or fill water balloons in the driveway. It may only be a few hours, but it will make a huge difference for you!