Journal Prompts to Relieve Stress + Anxiety

Journal Prompt

Journaling has a lot of benefits, but it can be hard to start, especially if you don't have a specific reason for why you are doing it. One of the best things about the activity is that it can relieve stress and anxiety. Sometimes just the simple act of Journaling is exactly what it sounds like, it's a place to write down all of your thoughts and feelings. It allows you to take note of everything that is stuck in your head. When you go through the process of listing, organizing, decluttering, questioning, feeling, and taking action, you can work to get all of your thoughts out of your brain. Journaling allows you to put all of the thoughts from your brain and put them down on paper to help you store, organize, and process the information at a later time. Writing down everything, including your feelings and emotions, can help you process them better. By taking notice, we can start to identify patterns, habits, activities, and thoughts that may be holding us back. In other words, Journals help us to facilitate personal growth. 

Journaling allows you to put all of the thoughts from your brain and put them down on paper to help you store, organize, and process the information at a later time. Writing down everything, including your feelings and emotions, can help you process them better. By taking notice, we can start to identify patterns, habits, activities, and thoughts that may be holding us back. In other words, Journals help us to facilitate personal growth. 

We can also pinpoint the solutions and tools we are already using that work by using our journal for self-reflection which helps you track your overall development. In addition journals help you have a better connection with your Values, Emotions, and Goals.  Essentially, it works to improve insight and understanding and gives you a glimpse into who you really are and where you are going in life. There are several ways to journal, including bullet journaling, writing down words without complete sentences, to a more traditional approach by beginning with a blank page and writing about your day.

However, if you're like me and need a little help getting started, then try using a prompt. One of the best things about journaling is that it can relieve stress and anxiety. Sometimes just the simple act of writing your thoughts out can help you feel relief. Try one of these prompts to help get you started!

For more fun Journal Prompts download the free Journal Prompts Worksheet specially designed by Balanced + Well today! Make journaling a habit and push yourself to come up with your own prompts.