November Journal Prompts for Gratitude

It’s November and this month’s theme is fittingly on gratitude. Not only does my family celebrate Thanksgiving and all the joys around the holidays but we’re also gearing up for the winter ski season. This time of year tends to be exciting and very active! When it gets busy I remind myself that my daily gratitude practice is even more important. So grab a pen and paper or your device and dive into gratitude.

This month I encourage you to reflect on these questions more than once. Research shows that a daily gratitude practice increases feelings of happiness and fulfillment. It also improves self-esteem, empathy, and mental strength overall, creating a greater sense of calm. Even in tough times, practicing gratitude can open our hearts to the present moment and allow us to find joy in everyday experiences. This helps us let go of expectations and shifts our focus from life’s shortcomings to the generosity it provides.

So, with that said, here are this month’s gratitude prompts:

  1. How are you doing right now?

  2. What friends or family members are you grateful for and why? 

  3.  What do you love about yourself? 

  4. Who/what made you smile today?

  5. What is the best thing that happened this week?

  6. Are you finding inspiration regularly? What inspires you?

  7. What are you grateful for this season?

  8. How can you add more gratitude into your life?

  9. What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of from last month?

  10. What can you do today to take care of yourself? 

Download the November Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for feeling connected.

Want more tips on finding gratitude in your life? Join me for the proven program, Balanced + Well ™ and start discovering a life you love, today!