June Journal Prompts for Gratitude

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I for one am so grateful to have gotten my kids through the school year! This was no easy task with homeschooling, working, and running my business.  In light of this success, I wanted to take this month to spend some time reflecting on what we are grateful for.

Practicing gratitude is a great way to change your mindset. Gratitude brings benefits to so many areas of your life. Research shows that gratitude effectively increases happiness and reduces depression while also reducing other toxic emotions, such as envy, resentment, frustration, and regret.

We all have the ability and opportunity to cultivate gratitude. Simply take a few moments to focus on all that you have – rather than complain about all the things you think you deserve.  Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.  An easy way to practice gratitude is through journaling.  Use these prompts to help you discover everything it is you’re grateful for. Start with 1-2, or go for all 10. 

  1. How are you doing, really?   

  2. What was one thing you are proud to have accomplished last month? 

  3. What are you looking forward to this month?

  4.  Make a list of 5 things that make you smile.

  5.  What friends or friendships am I grateful for and why?

  6.  What is the best thing that happened this week?

  7. What do you love about yourself?

  8.  What inspires you? Are you finding inspiration regularly or just going through life? 

  9. Do you have any passion projects or can you start one? 

  10.  How has your self-care been this month? Or How do you show love to yourself on a daily basis?

Download the June Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for personal growth.

If you’re interested in gaining more tools and insight to improve your satisfaction with life, if your stress and anxiety seem to be at an all-time high right now, then check out my Balanced + Well program. Change is hard to implement on your own but becomes exponentially more achievable with The Balanced + Well Signature Program. It's everything you need to take charge of your life so you can ditch your anxiety, and live and life that is balanced + well.

I look forward to helping you continue your balanced + well journey.