Beyond Superwoman: Navigating High-Functioning Anxiety

Are you the embodiment of 'superwoman,' juggling myriad responsibilities with apparent ease? Are others in awe of your resilience, work ethic, and success? It's a narrative many of us wear as a badge of honor, relishing in being perceived as having it all together. However, there comes a moment when the façade of productivity gives way to the reality of high-functioning anxiety, a revelation that can be both surprising and liberating. In this blog, we delve into the nuances of high-functioning anxiety, its subtle manifestations, and explore practical tips for coping.

Unveiling High-Functioning Anxiety:

High-functioning anxiety thrives in overdoing, overthinking, and overperforming. The challenge lies in recognizing it because, on the surface, the symptoms may seem productive or even beneficial. You might exude organization, high achievement, proactivity, and extroversion, all while silently grappling with the relentless cycle of fear and stress. Identifying high-functioning anxiety is crucial as living in constant stress takes a toll on mental and physical well-being.

The Cost of Silent Suffering:

While possessing admirable qualities is commendable, it shouldn't be at the expense of mental health. Humans are not machines, and burnout, even in the guise of success, is a genuine concern. Unfortunately, high-functioning anxiety often goes undiagnosed. As it's not classified as a distinct mental health condition, individuals grappling with it might fall through the diagnostic cracks.

Recognizing High-Functioning Anxiety:

Understanding the symptoms is the first step. High-functioning anxiety may manifest as people-pleasing, procrastination, an inability to say no, sleep problems, overthinking, perfectionism, and various other subtle signs. It's a delicate dance between outward success and internal struggle.

With 19% of the total population in The United States who suffer from generalized anxiety, we know that suffering from high-functioning anxiety is not always diagnosed.  Because high-functioning anxiety is not considered a mental health diagnosis, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 18 percent of the 40 million adults that suffer from anxiety fall into the category of ‘functioning’. 

5 Tips for Coping with High-Functioning Anxiety

Here's the deal - if you said yes to any of the above, you might be suffering from high-functioning anxiety…but the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way 

If you’re feeling stressed and anxious, even if you’re quickly moving towards your goals, the good news is this is completely treatable. With tried-and-true therapy techniques and new and improved coaching interventions, you can live a calmer and more peaceful life while still being productive. 

Here are some helpful tips to cope with High Functioning Anxiety:

  1. Recognize your anxiety. Build awareness around your negative thought patterns, bodily reactions, and nervous behaviors. Let yourself feel those emotions. When you can better understand them, you can more easily identify your triggers and ways to combat your anxiety. 

  2. Work on improving your sleep hygiene. This is critical to ensure that your mind doesn’t continue racing when you’re getting much-needed rest. Setting a regular bedtime and limiting distractions before bed are all healthy sleep habits that can lower your anxiety. 

  3. Practice relaxing activities, such as yoga, journaling, and mindfulness. If you need journal prompts or tips on how to make these activities a regular part of your life, the Balanced + Well website has wonderful resources for you to reference. 

  4. Be kind to yourself. I always say that you can’t pour from an empty cup,. so keep this in mind when you’re struggling with your high-functioning anxiety. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself physically and mentally, as well as practicing self-love and care. 

  5. Seek professional help. Through the Balanced + Well program, you can find relief. 

The journey from superwoman to someone navigating high-functioning anxiety is not a downgrade; it's a nuanced evolution. You have the power to change, and the Balanced + Well program is here to guide you through those transformative steps. It's time to embrace a life where success and well-being coexist harmoniously.

I'll promise you one thing - you CAN change. And I can show you how. If you’re interested in gaining more tools and insight on how to deal with your high-functioning anxiety, I encourage you to book a free discovery call with me. I’d love to assist you on your balanced + well journey!