6 Ways to Foster Positive Relationships


This is the June edition of the Balanced + Well Community Blog and Newsletter. Thank you for reading! As always, I try to give you a quick read that highlights a skill or intervention that many of us can benefit from in using. This is a quick read on fostering and marinating positive relationships.

Let me be completely honest. When I am swamped with work and family life, the last thing on my mind is calling to check up on friends or extended family. Of course, l love the people I have in my life, but I am not the best at keeping in touch. And in order to maintain and build relationships, keeping in touch is clearly important! How many of our relationships with friends and family have suffered because we didn’t make time for them? Especially over the past year, when the kids are always home and we don’t have a lot of extra free time. This summer I have decided to work on these important friendships, I invite you to work on them too!

We often take the bonds we have with others for granted, yet they are such an integral part of our mental and emotional wellbeing. Several studies over the years have concluded that healthy relationships can contribute to lower rates of anxiety and depression, greater empathy, and higher self-esteem. Conversely, loneliness can lead to high blood pressure, disrupted sleep patterns, elevated cortisol in the body, and higher risks of depression. 

6 ways to foster positive relationships 

  1. Practice gratitude. Appreciate the people in your life and try not to take them for granted. Once you value these relationships, you’ll put more effort into maintaining them. Here are four steps you can take to feel more gratitude towards the people in your life.  

  2. Identify negative patterns in yourself and others. Are there things you do or say that negatively impact your relationships? Self-reflect and work on combating these behaviors. On the flip side, don’t be afraid to distance yourself from toxic and negative people—please don’t feel guilty about prioritizing your mental health and wellbeing! 

  3. Spend quality time. Make an effort to connect with your loved ones. Facilitate authentic conversations and participate in safe and fun activities that you will all enjoy. 

  4. Demonstrate commitment and care. Maintaining relationships is no easy feat, but you need to invest time and effort. Provide emotional support and guidance to your loved ones, including practicing forgiveness and allowing vulnerability on both sides to take place. 

  5. Create new connections in your community. Treat others with kindness and respect, and you’ll be surprised by how many meaningful connections you’ll make. 

  6. Resolve conflict in a healthy manner. Learn to communicate openly and effectively in times of conflict. Your ability to understand the other person’s point of view and compromise is crucial.

Ultimately, fostering positive relationships with the important people in our lives is vital to our inner balance and wellness! If you are interested in speaking to me one on one, I encourage you to book a free discovery call with me. I’d love to assist you on your balanced + well journey!