The Full Cup Manifesto: Why Self-Care Isn't Just Selfish in the Age of COVID-19

you can't pour from an empty cup

Remember the tired metaphor of pouring from an empty cup? Yeah, it rings true now more than ever. With the uncertainties of this global pandemic swirling around us, the temptation to shove self-care to the bottom of the priority list is real. But here's the catch: ignoring your own needs isn't just self-denial; it's a ripple effect that impacts everyone around you.

Think of it like this: when your cup is perpetually empty, your energy reserves wane, your patience thins, and your ability to truly connect with others diminishes. Can you wholeheartedly support a friend facing a crisis if you're drowning in your own anxieties? Can you nurture your children's dreams when you haven't even acknowledged your own?

The solution? Embrace the Full Cup Manifesto. This isn't about selfish indulgence; it's about understanding that prioritizing your well-being isn't just a personal necessity, it's an act of responsibility and love for yourself and everyone you touch.


Here's the good news: filling your cup doesn't require exotic vacations or expensive spa treatments. It's about rediscovering the power within you, accepting all the facets of your unique self, and creating a life that resonates with balance and purpose.

Social distancing, with its silver linings of introspection, offers the perfect opportunity to embark on this inward journey. Take this time to:

  • Reconnect with your core values: What truly matters to you? What sparks your joy and ignites your spirit? Unearthing these fundamental truths becomes your compass as you navigate the "new normal."

  • Embrace your whole self: Perfection is a myth, and striving for it is a recipe for self-depletion. Learn to love and accept the entirety of your being, quirks and all. This self-acceptance is the bedrock of genuine confidence and inner peace.

  • Let go of the negativity: Forgive yourself for past mistakes, release the grip of self-doubt, and stop comparing your journey to others'. Each life unfolds in its own unique rhythm, so focus on writing your own beautiful story.

Filling your cup isn't a one-time act; it's a continuous practice. But remember, even the smallest steps can have a profound impact. Start with a mindful walk in nature, a nourishing meal cooked with love, or a few minutes of journaling your gratitude. These seemingly insignificant acts of self-care are the bricks that build the foundation of a life overflowing with fulfillment, happiness, and a genuine sense of self-worth.

And if you're ready to delve deeper into this journey, I invite you to join the FREE 6 Steps to Building Confidence + Self-Awareness Masterclass. This program will equip you with the tools and insights to truly own your story, build unshakeable confidence, and create a life brimming with balance and well-being in all areas.

Over just 10 days, you'll discover:

  • The secrets to shedding self-doubt and insecurities.

  • How to embrace your "imperfect" self and build authentic confidence.

  • Strategies for finding meaning and purpose in your life.

  • Tools for healing past hurts and rewriting your narrative.

  • The ultimate path to happiness, fulfillment, and radiating self-worth.

Don't wait for the "new normal" to happen to you. Be the architect of your own life, starting with filling your cup to the brim. Join the FREE masterclass, embark on this self-discovery journey, and let your inner light illuminate the world, one full cup at a time.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish; it's the most powerful gift you can give to yourself and everyone around you.

Need help filling your cup and re-prioritizing YOU? Sign up for the 6 Steps to Building Confidence + Self-Awareness Masterclass. The program will teach you to accept and own who you are and allow you to create true confidence which leads to balance and wellness in all areas of your life. 

Join the Facebook Group 6 Steps to Building Confidence + Self-Awareness Masterclass here today! Share with friends and family who will also want to strengthen the relationship with themselves and fill their own cups. You can also sign up by emailing