October Journal Prompts for Feeling Connected

We’re back in the swing of the school year and I am starting to finally feel caught up. I am so grateful that my kids are in school!

I am back to working full-time and seeing so many amazing women in my practice. My coaching program is really taking off and in general, I am in a good mood! And with that comes a bit of peace and freedom. 

My hope for this month is with a little more free time, I can reconnect with friends and with family.

Research and studies support that spending time on meaningful relationships helps you cope with stress and anxiety more effectively and also helps lower your chances of facing some types of stress in the first place.

Connection can also help increase our sense of belonging and purpose, and improve our self-confidence. Bottom line is that human connection is good for our health and well-being.

With this in mind, this month’s journal prompts theme has to do with connection. 

  1. How are you feeling right now?

  2. Who are you craving connection with? 

  3.  What gets in the way of your connection to others? 

  4. How can you connect with someone you love this week?

  5. Think about the relationships in your life – which are life-giving, uplifting, positive in your life?

  6. Who can you count on? 

  7. Who can count on you? 

  8. Describe a time in the last month that you felt really proud of yourself?

  9. What is your personal mantra for this month?

  10. Make a list of 5 things that made you smile this month. 

Download the October Journal Prompts pdf here to get started on your journal prompts for feeling connected.

Do you need help finding and maintaining healthy relationships? Is this an area that you can work on? If so, check out the Balanced + Well program.  It's everything you need to take charge of your life so you can ditch your anxiety, and live and life that is balanced + well.

I look forward to helping you decrease your stress and anxiety and support you in your balanced + well journey.