Posts in Stress
June Journal Prompts for Gratitude

I for one am so grateful to have gotten my kids through the school year! This was no easy task with homeschooling and working and running my business. In light of this success I wanted to take this month to spend some time reflecting on what we are grateful for.

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Beyond Superwoman: Navigating High-Functioning Anxiety

High-functioning anxiety shows up for people in overdoing, overthinking, and overperforming. Recognizing that you suffer from high functioning anxiety is tricky because often times it feels productive or even beneficial. On the surface, you may come off as organized, high-achieving, proactive, and outgoing but you may be suffering in silence.

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May Journal Prompts for Personal Growth in Spring

I view the month of Mayl as a time of revival and rebirth. The weather is starting to change, and it makes me feel hopeful for the future. It shows me that nothing lasts forever, so I have to keep working towards my goals.

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Motherhood During Quarantine: How to Practice Mindfulness

In the midst of a pandemic, regardless of whether you’re a mom or not, this is the perfect time to learn about a simple, everyday practice that can help alleviate your stress and anxiety.

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March Journal Prompts for Reflection and Self Growth

Journaling helps to offer insight into our daily lives when we are amidst the daily hustle and bustle and don’t always have time to reflect in the moment.

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5 Ways to Manage Stress During the Holidays

5 ways to manage stress during the holiday season. If you feel your stress and anxiety spinning out of control, below are some practical tips to combat these negative thoughts and feelings so you can enjoy your well-deserved holiday break.

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Navigating Stress: A Practical Guide to Assess and Manage

After a certain point though, stress stops being helpful and starts causing damage to your health, mood, productivity, relationships, and quality of life.  This is why it’s important to monitor and manage your stress appropriately.

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