Posts in Stress
The Downward Spiral of Automatic Thoughts

Even if you’re having a good day or you thought you succeeded at something, this voice is the first to remind you that you are not worthy. These negative, exaggerated thought patterns are called automatic thoughts or cognitive distortions and we all experience them from time to time.

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Learn to Recognize the Symptoms of Stress

Virtually everyone on this earth has experienced stress in one form or another. It is your body’s natural reaction to help you adjust to the changes and challenges of life. Whether these stressors include work, a big exam, or dealing with home life, some stress is normal.

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March Journal Prompts: Reflection and Self Growth

Journaling helps to offer insight into our daily lives when we are amidst the daily hustle and bustle and don’t always have time to reflect at the moment.

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Using WOOP to Reach Your Goals

Although it may sound funny at first, WOOP is an acronym for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan. Clever, right? Developed by Dr. Gabriele Oettingen—a professor and researcher who spent 20 years studying the science behind goal setting and positive thinking—this mental practice is an optimal way to help motivate us to attain our various life goals.

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Happy 2022! Resources for Your Best Year Yet

My hope is the tools and resources below will help you to take a moment, a few moments or even longer to do some of your own personal reflection and goal setting.

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December Journal Prompts for end of year and closure to 2021

Research shows that a daily gratitude practice increases feelings of happiness and fulfillment. It also improves self-esteem, empathy, and mental strength overall, creating a greater sense of calm. Even in tough times, practicing gratitude can open our hearts to the present moment and allow us to find joy in everyday experiences. This helps us let go of expectations and shifts our focus from life’s shortcomings to the generosity it provides.

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November Journal Prompts for Gratitude

Research shows that a daily gratitude practice increases feelings of happiness and fulfillment. It also improves self-esteem, empathy, and mental strength overall, creating a greater sense of calm. Even in tough times, practicing gratitude can open our hearts to the present moment and allow us to find joy in everyday experiences. This helps us let go of expectations and shifts our focus from life’s shortcomings to the generosity it provides.

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October Journal Prompts for Feeling Connected

Research and studies support that spending time on meaningful relationships helps you cope with stress and anxiety more effectively and also helps lower your chances of facing some types of stress in the first place. Connection can also help increase our sense of belonging and purpose, and improve our self-confidence. Bottom line is that human connection is good for our health!

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World Gratitude Day

Even in tough times, practicing gratitude can open our hearts to the present moment and allow us to find joy in everyday experiences. This helps us let go of expectations and shifts our focus from life’s shortcomings to the generosity it already provides.

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Celebrate September and Journal Prompts

September is a great time to revisit goals and accomplishments for the year 2021. It’s always hard for me to set goals or start new things in the summer, so here is to fall and starting a new season with routine and structure. Whoot Whoot!!!

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How to ‘WOOP’ Your Life

Although it may sound funny at first, WOOP is an acronym for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan. Clever, right? Developed by Dr. Gabriele Oettingen—a professor and researcher who spent 20 years studying the science behind goal setting and positive thinking—this mental practice is an optimal way to help motivate us to attain our various life goals.

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July Journal Prompts for the Summer Season

Summer is my very favorite season. Everything feels lighter for me in the summer. I feel at ease and I have a lot of fun. In light of being in full summer mode now, let’s take some time for reflection on having fun and enjoying the beautiful, long summer days.

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